Privacy policy

This Privacy Policy governs the use and protection of personal data of Chill Utility’s services, including its website and application on the Discord platform (Discord Inc.).

This policy constitutes the contractual agreement governing the collection, use and protection of personal information of “Users”, who access the services offered by Chill Utility through the website or the application. By using our services, you expressly consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Personal Data Management (Overview)

Full details of each type of personal data collected are provided in the dedicated sections of this Privacy Policy. Personal data may be freely provided by the User or, in the case of usage data, collected automatically when using the application.

In cases where the application expressly states that certain data is not mandatory, Users are free not to provide such data without consequences for the availability or operation of the service.

Users who do not know which personal data is mandatory are invited to contact the owner. Any use of tracking tools - either by the application or by the owners of third-party services used - is for the purpose of providing the service requested by the User.

Users are responsible for all third-party personal data obtained, published or shared via the application and confirm that they have the consent of the third party to provide the data to the owner.

Detailed information on the processing of personal data


The website does not currently collect any personal data. It is a showcase site, which does not rely on cookies or tracking tools. Any changes will be indicated in an update to this Privacy Policy.

The full source code of the site is available here:


Data stored in the Chill Utility’s database

  • Counter
    • Counter progress
    • Discord server ID attached to the counter progress
  • /config command
    • Data entered in config menus and commands
  • Moderation commands
    • Discord servers IDs attached to the moderation actions
    • Discord users IDs entered in moderation commands and menus
    • Discord users IDs of the users who has triggered moderation actions
    • Moderation reasons specified in moderation commands and menus
  • Discord servers
    • Preferred specified via the servers’ configuration
    • Servers ID
    • Amount of members on the servers


The Discord intents are rules that explain to Discord what types of content and actions the application can see and use.
IntentUse case
Guild MembersModeration commands and members statistics
Message ContentCounter mini-game (reading users messages to proceed the game)
GuildsDiscord servers informations (like the preferred locales and servers names)
Guild PresencesVanity feature (observing users status to give a role if they match an expected content)
Guild ModerationUsed to proceed bans and timeouts (to detect if a member is already sanctioned and to manage temporary bans)

For more technical information, you can refer to Discord’s dedicated page on Gateway Intents.


Permissions are the rights you grant to the bot on your server.
PermissionUse Case
Ban MembersModeration commands related to banning members
Kick MembersModeration commands related to kicking (expelling) members
Temporarily Mute MembersModeration commands related to muting members
Manage ServerBetter detection of server settings (read-only, not stored in our databases)
Send MessagesAnything involving sending messages from the bot on your server
Use External EmojisAllows the bot to decorate certain menus with our own custom emojis
Use Application CommandsEnables the use of “Slash commands” (such as /help)
View Server LogsAllows internal optimizations for the bot. None of these logs are stored in our databases. By granting this permission, you are simply contributing to the better functioning of the bot on your server!

Right to Be Forgotten (RTBF) and Data Consultation

For any inquiries regarding the personal data stored in our database, including requests for deletion under the right to be forgotten (RTBF) or for the consultation of your information, please contact us at the following address:

Note that to fulfill your request, we will need your Discord User ID. Please, provide it each time you contact us for this concern.

👉 Refer to the Discord documentation to find out how to retrieve your Discord User ID.

This Privacy Policy was last updated on: Sunday, July 14, 2024.